
White Roses Ch.17

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

"The greatest respect an artist can pay to music is to give it life."

~Pablo Casals

Hello, there! Goodbye! Dear now, the final sequence of act three has come to be. Be warned, the show is really about to start. It'll end with a fair maiden's sacrifice, but that is far enough away, no need to foreshadow the soon to be start of the end of an act held together by puppet strings, loosely held ties that shall tighten with red strings. Nevermore, a world of black and gray, gravitating towards the finale of a small part, but be aware, it ends in mere nights.

Soon to stop the third, to replace with the fourth.

Ib's stepped echoed through the corridor as she walked over to Ms. Creo's room, her fist politely knocking before entering the plush room. The gray-haired lady sat at her desk, going over documents as she indicated for Ib to take a seat on the sofa. The brunette closed the door behind her and sat down on the plush sofa, nearly relaxing at its soothing texture.

"Punctual, just what I would expect from you," Ms. Creo spoke to herself, absently stapling a few sheets of paper together before tossing them into a folder that she neatly filed in one of the off-grey cabinets in one corner of the room. She then walked over and indicated for them to leave the room, informing her that "the walls have ears," before leading her outside.

"Miss...Ib, I'm positive that you and your posse have already put it together that I am solely responsible for erasing the memories you and the other students have of these missing children. However, I concur. You would forget them anyway if they were never to return and instead succumbed to the Gallery." Ms. Creo didn't look at her as she softly gazed upon a daisy before pulling away.

"There are two options for the Gallery, either to become a part of it and surrender your life or escape back to reality."

Ib said nothing as she continued to watch the woman stare off into the distance, curious as to what she was seeing way out there. After noticing that Ms. Creo wasn't going to proceed without comment she asked, "If they are going to be forgotten anyway why do you erase them prematurely?"

"If they have started the transition into a painting then I must. The students would start to panic if they knew people were going missing and then the police would get involved, resulting in nothing more than senseless murder. I am here to prevent this and protect the Gallery at the same time."


"A simple sounding question, but complex to answer. I was created for this by the...core, as you would call it, but I am unable to enter the Gallery as I reside in this world. I have used another's life in exchange for this, and I do not plan to waste it."

"Are you unhappy?" Ms. Creo turned to look at the brunette, a strange expression on her face before a rare smile slipped out.

"You, child, are very strange to ask that. I am simply a part of this Gallery, who happens to guard it from the outside, but that is all I can do. My purpose dictates what I must do to protect my home, happiness or unhappiness is invalid."

Ib fiddled with a flower after walking over, standing not even at arm's length, "That's garbage and I'm sure you can come up with a better excuse than that. See, what I observe is a woman that can no longer return home, but tries to convince herself that as long as she follows her objective then she can go back one day. It's a nice thought, but unrealistic because she knows that she's stuck here with a job that she secretly likes, and yet doesn't want to get attached."

Ms. Creo looked over at her, pursing her lips, "You are rather perceptive."

"I inferred most of it based on your actions regarding your job and what you've said to me." Ib responded, waving the compliment off. She didn't believe herself perceptive; she just would happen to notice things at the right time or have general feelings about people. Nothing impressive, but it was nice to be praised once in awhile.

"Clever of you to deduce all that. I will admit that I can not go home and that I am selfish for adoring my life with you children while time also longing for my own homeland. It is an oroboros that forever will loop, but I must be content with what I have and not be greedy for more. I cannot leave this property, ever. I am here in order to chain her down, the Gallery occupant that was able to cross over with the use of taking half a life energy for herself. However, she is a spectator that can only affect other Gallery occupants. As of right now, she is a mischievous brat who likes to toy with emotions."

"Whose life energy did she use?" Ib asked gravely, fearing the answer.

"The girl who used to reside in the room next to yours. You encountered her yesterday, but only just a glimpse. Her body was brought back, but her mind stayed behind." Ms. Creo began walking again, and Ib could only follow as they were submerged in a large hedge maze.

"What became of her?" Ib asked as she glanced at the passing vines and hydrangeas.

"I was able to prevent her body from being a vessel for Ida. She is now at the local hospital and has been deemed comatose with little hope for awakening. Her soul still wonders around the Gallery and often dips into reality, just as you saw yesterday. However, she has already been claimed by the core."

"Did you erase the memory of her also?"

"No, I simply altered it. I made it so that it appeared that she left the school and was in an accident afterwards. Nothing too great, and people tend to forget all on their own. You are not the first to wander into the Gallery, but you and Garry are the first survivors to return." Ms. Creo broke off and turned into a large garden, but it was withered and old. In the center, crushing the mosaic that no longer could be made out, was an old ash tree that was blacker than a starless night and twisted in gnarly knots.

"The Gallery shares many key places with this world and this is one of them," she moved to touch the rough bark with a forlorn expression before gesturing for Ib to do the same.

The brunette planted herself in front of the tree, feeling uneasy at its presence, before reaching a hand out to gingerly touch the bark. It was worn and charred and rough beneath her hand, which she had expected though nothing could have stopped the amazement at the small hum that seemed to resonate throughout the interior.

Ms. Creo gave a small laugh at her amazement, "I told you, this place directly corresponds with the Gallery. This place is this world's representation of the core. What you are touching is its withering life, it who has slept for far too long."

"Someone told us that they have no idea as to what will happen when this it awakens, which is why they are fearful. That is the reason behind luring people inside the Gallery, is it not?" Ib hadn't meant it, but her tone was edged towards the end.

"Mary has reasons to be afraid, they all do. None of them have any idea as to what will happen after the awakening. It may seem as if keeping the core asleep would be enough reason to lure people in, but it is only part of the truth. You are a smart child, search for the truth which is located beyond the truth." Ms. Creo replied mystically, thoroughly enjoying the pensive look that Ib was currently making.

"Who's Ida?" Ib finally asked.

"Ah, yes, that ill-tempered child," Ms. Creo's face morphed into one of annoyance, "She's a brat who's trying to cause trouble. The fight that transpired the other day was catalysed by her. Braginski fit the criteria and so she was able to manipulate his emotions, which is why he lashed out so viciously."

Ib gave pause, staring intently at the bark as she thought it over. The way Dmitri had been bothered was rather odd, as were the harsh words. However, those had been his emotions to a certain degree. Ib felt rather heavy as she pondered this, caught between defending Dmitri and still being upset with him for what he said to Amelia and Luno. This Ida person may have catalysed his anger, but the words were his own. Dmitri would have to own up to them and apologize, which is when she would finally decide to forgive him. Until then he was still on her very small list of people to be upset with.

"I see you've reached a conclusion, hopefully it is a sound one." Ms. Creo stated before leading them back into the maze, "Now, back to Ida...she is much like Mary, only her personality is rotten and she's threatening. Her ability to be in this world after swapping places with Acela's mind is rather worrisome. As of right now she does not have a body, but this isn't because she can't. I prevent her from harming any of the other vessels, which there are now eight of as I don't count Acela or Kate anymore."

"She only targets regular students when there is a purpose behind it, which is why I'm warning you to be careful. She is watching you all rather carefully and may use the others around you against you. This wedge that she drove between you all, use it to your advantage." The woman instructed as she expertly turned sharp corners and weaved her way through debris.

"Then I should not reconcile with the others for if I do they will be in danger?" Ib rhetorically asked, rather sullen about the idea of never being able to spend another mealtime with everyone again.

"No, don't be so dramatic. Reconciliation is still on the table, but you must appear to still be opponents. This is for their safety, and while it would be best not to reconcile for now, I can't stop the die that has been cast. If the situation arises, you must decide how to handle it."

"Yes, I understand. Ms. Creo, you have stated that there are eight vessels left in this world at the moment, but before you listed Garry and I as the first survivors to return; what did you mean by this?"

"Child, I'm sure you are aware that this is not your first time experiencing the Gallery, but I digress. This is the first time you have visited this one, the core that combines all Galleries into one single form, and so you are the first survivors of an Exhibit. That is where you encountered Mary before she was finally returned here. However, your visit left lasting impressions on the Gallery that play a major factor in what's going on. This is why you need to be prepared before you even think of going back to save Kate or Mary, which is nigh impossible for the latter as the Gallery is where she belongs."

Ib straightened her posture as she talked, "There has to be some way to help Mary and what about Kate and Acela? How long do they have left?"

Ms. Creo seemed to ponder this before carefully answering, "Acela is in a state of suspension and cannot be affected any longer, unless you manage to bring her mind back from the Gallery. Kate had a bit more than a month at the most, which is peculiar as the process shouldn't be taking this long. But I'm sure that there are many forces working against that man to slow his progress. That is why another vessel has yet to be targeted, but I believe one will soon be selected in hopes of moving along, but this time with the use of trickery. If there are enough vessels then these opposing forces wouldn't be able to help stunt all of the energy transfers..."

"Meaning that they are devoured by the core as energy," Ib finished grimly.

"Now, now, don't fret just yet. I'll tell you a small secret that may help you in the near future; every vessel is able to see the Gallery occupants that happen to be in this world," she exited the maze and gave Ib a long stare, "I, again, warn you to keep your guard up and watch out for Ida's schemes. She's been up to something recently and it could directly impact you all."

"When will we speak again?" Ib asked, hoping that there would be a second time.

"Soon, maybe tonight or Sunday. I'll be around, so just call out if you need me. I have ears in many places. Now, I believe you have a lunch date with some friends in nearly half an hour..." she let the sentence trail off as she started to walk away.

Ib nodded to her back before vocalizing her thanks, but never received an answer.

"Urgh! This is so complicated!" Amelia exclaimed impatiently before smacking her forehead against the table in anguish over what Ib had just relayed to them from her earlier conversation with Ms. Creo.

"It's all we have for the moment," Luno countered as he paused in sipping his latte.

"Actually, Amelia and I managed to dig up some information on the school," Garry voiced as Amelia pulled out a thin folder from her bag to show off. "The school was constructed some four centuries ago as a large estate for a famous artist, but it was only used as a summer house and just about a century ago it was renovated to become a school. Strangely, there are no records on the person responsible for proposing or sponsoring the idea."

"Also, some of the renovations were delayed or cancelled entirely! That's why that one particular hallway is closed off, it went unfinished and was abandoned. There are a few other places like it, such as the maze out back, the top most floor, but that one can be attributed to it not being handicap accessible.* Another place is apparently sections of the boiler room and then various classrooms that are kept locked." Amelia handed out the documents as she spoke, indicating certain sections or maps.

Garry pulled out an old blue-print and took it from there, "That's not all, this map is one before the renovations. Now, look at this one here-" he picked up another map and placed it before them "-it's from after the renovations. As you can see, they don't match up. That hallway was excluded in the newest print, which means that part of the building shouldn't exist. There were plans to get rid of it, but in the middle of construction the team quit."

"I went and searched the newspaper files from that far back, but nothing was mentioned about it, not even a testimony or report!" Amelia broke in as she pouted at the dead end she had hit.

"Maybe they experienced it, the Gallery," Ib pointed out, "That hallway is how we all entered the Gallery in the first place and how we've gotten in since. It wouldn't be too far fetched to believe that they may have experienced something and were kept silent."

Luno choked on his latte, coughing as he asked Ib to repeat her last two words. She did and frowned, unsure of what he was getting at. They could be kept silent, such as Ms. Creo threatening them or losing someone in the Gallery.

"Kept silent! You mentioned that Ms. Creo simply altered just about everyone's memory of...Acela, so what if she influenced this the same way? If these construction workers were swept into the Gallery and didn't come back there would be too many questions before they were forgotten by the public, so why not simply list that they quit halfway and then tell the company they worked for that they would be contacting someone different to finish repairs? It's simple and no one would think too much of it, just give a sour expression to a bunch of quitters and a nod at finding a different company before moving on. It also allows for the hallway to be forgotten since it was never meant to be renovated." Luno explained.

"I see, and if they did higher any more workers than they would also just be sucked into the Gallery. This was probably decided after the first construction team 'quit.'" Garry summarized in awe at the careful planning.

"There's also another reason on why the newest blueprints don't include that hallway; to keep students from snooping. There are architecture courses here and just how many of those students do you think happen to look at these blueprints per day? If that hallway were to be included those students would be able to trace it and find out that the renovations were never included, which could result in them going off to find out what's at the end of the hall as that part of the buildings also isn't recorded here. If that were to happen then countless students would be missing." Luno further hypothesized as he indicated the blueprints whenever necessary.

"So, whomever altered these records was trying to keep the students safe?" Garry inquired as he was even more awed with all the careful precautions that someone had gone out of their way to make.

"It appears that way, but for all we know those workers really did quit and didn't bother saying anything to some journolist, maybe there were other stories that weighed more or it simply wasn't that big of a deal." Amelia reminded them, which was a valid point in a world of fabricated hypothesis and 'What-ifs.'

"At least we know a bit more than we did before," Garry voiced after the silence had stretched on for another moment.

The other three nodded their agreements before starting to whisper amongst themselves about Ms. Creo and various other topics that Ib had told them about. They agreed to see the tree after the concert and then the conversation flipped to what they were going to wear, though it was mainly Amelia asking Ib.

Finding the answer unsatisfactory, Amelia dragged Ib back to the dorms after lunch so that they could prepare for the concert. Garry and Luno followed as they had nothing else to do for an hour. The concert would start at six and last until nine or ten, and the boys had decided to head back at four to prepare themselves.

Amelia and Luno explained to them that the concert was actually a relatively formal event, but with some leniency. In a nutshell, they wouldn't be dressing casually. After the concert there was alway going to be a large party that the prestigious guests were not privy to know of as it was just for the students. Luno also added that the fall showcase had been pushed up so that it would be happening at the very end of September, merely weeks away, so the party was going to be bigger than previous years to accommodate for the large amount of stress that would befall bright and early Monday morning. This weekend would be the last one that wasn't going to be spent in panic or frustration.

"Ok, now out! Us girls have to look fabulous for the guests," Amelia smiled as she ushered the two boys out the door, closing it firmly behind them.

They shared a look.

"Do you think Ib will be okay in there by herself?" Garry whispered, his glance casted back in forth between Luno and the door.

Luno cracked a small smile, "I guess we'll find out at six."

Ib sighed to herself, picking at a stray sequin as she waited for Amelia to throw another dress her way. The two had raided their closets and regrouped in the wheat-haired girl's room to prepare for the coming evening. So far, Ib was rather tired of trying on dresses only to have more thrown her way. Really, she would just be fine with anything, but Amelia wouldn't let her.

"Try on this one, last one, I promise," Amelia called out before tossing another dress Ib's way.

The brunette obeyed and walked out afterwards, waiting for Amelia to begin the assessment. The girl pursed her lips and had her twirl before smiling brightly, "It's perfect! I knew that one would be the best!"

Ib gave her a slightly exasperated look, but didn't say anything as she let Amelia do her hair. It was almost shocking that the normally hyped girl could be so gentle when it came to styling hair. Ib could feel her gently yank and would move accordingly, as if the whole process were simple clockwork. It was almost enough to make Ib sleepy at how relaxing it was.

"Done!" Amelia announced giddily as she twirled the chair around for Ib to see her own reflection.

Amelia had pulled Ib's hair up into a half updo with most of her long tresses falling down her back. Her dress, an empire waist with a Queen Ann neckline, fell mid-thigh and was a deep red with layers of lace hemming in black. Amelia handed her simple red heels to bring it all together. All in all, Ib liked the way it looked. It wasn't too showy nor was it wallflower material.

"We look lovely!" Amelia smiled, her voice dipping into an English accent at the last word.

Ib agreed, assessing Amelia's blue a-line dress that fell mid-thigh, the halter top that left her upper back exposed, and her hair that was swept into a low bun with a few wavy strands framing one side of her face. Her heels were silver and wrapped around her ankles, matching her earrings and necklace.

"We do," Ib said, a smile curling her painted lips.

"Just wait till Garry gets a load of you!" Amelia teased playfully, not missing the way Ib became flustered and played with her necklace.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, to which Amelia hollered for whomever it was to come in. Ib looked to the door, her breath nearly catching in her throat at the sight of Luno and Garry, though mainly the latter. She would never admit it allowed, but Garry cleaned up nicely.

The lavanderette had combed his hair over to the side, still covering up his one eye, and nervously ran one gloved hand through the tresses, sometimes exposing that eye to the rest of the world. A crisp white shirt with a point collar and french cuffs, a black vest and matching pants, and polished black shoes adorned his frame and Ib couldn't stop herself from staring. In fact, her face felt rather warm and feverish, but what this meant she didn't know. Maybe it was like Amelia had told her that one time, about liking boys and what not.

Taking much effort, Ib turned to look at Luno who had on a black pinstripe suit. He looked secretive and classy with his glasses on (though this was only if the lights started to irritate his eyes during the show), and had also combed his hair into a reasonable style with a fedora that was pleasing to the eye without looking ridiculous.

"Well, don't ya'll look nice," Amelia finally said after a few silent pauses, but her voice came out rather small.

Garry smiled over at Ib, coming closer and looked rather flustered himself as he presented her his arm, "It's traditional to go in pairs."

Amelia cast a sly glance over at Luno, knowing that he had been the one to tell Garry this. It may have been true, but Amelia hadn't planned to say anything until they were almost at the school. A funny image suddenly popped into her head of Luno and Garry arm in arm if Ib refused, and she promptly had to stifle a laugh as Luno casted her a raised brow. She waved him off before everyone ushered out the door.

The walk to the school was loud as other classmates were also heading to the same place, calling out compliments and chattering about miscellaneous things. Ib caught sight of Rose and Lucy, who smiled and waved in her direction with pointed eyes at her and Garry. Ib knew that tomorrow she was going to be drilled about this. But for now she merely smiled back and waved with her free hand, listening to them promise to see her later after the concert so that they could chat a bit.

They entered the music hall and hurried to find good seats near the middle of the theatre, but only just managed to get some seats that were a bit off to the left, though still in the center all the same. They seated themselves in the rows, finding the chairs rather comfy as they waited for the concert to start.

Luno gesturing up to the balcony where all the privileged guests were to be seated for a better view of the performances, "But that's why it's brilliant. While they're milling around towards the stairs, most of the students are already heading towards the after party without being noticed."

"It is rather convenient," Garry absently agreed as he casted along side glance at Ib, only to blush when his gaze dipped too far down.

He stared hard at the stage, willing himself to look nowhere else. Luno casted him a small smirk at his internal debate, wondering why no one had ever taught him how to subtly look. However, Ib seemed far too caught up with whatever was happening near the left exit to notice. Luno followed her eyes, which led him to see something rather...strange.

The lights in the theatre were rather dim, but produced enough light that it was easy enough to see with little difficulty. So, then how could he be seeing a mass of shadows converging by the door, almost seeming like a silhouette of sorts? He blinked, but the image didn't disappear, and from next to him he could hear Amelia snapping a picture at that very spot.

"Hey, look at this," Amelia called in a whisper, making the image appear again as she tilted it for everyone to see.

On the screen was a zoomed in shot of the left exit, and right near the stage was a silhouette that they now could clearly see was shaped like a small child. The shadows were parts of her hair and clothes they could not identify, and her back was to them as if she didn't know nor care if they were watching her. Only they, who were Gallery vessels, could see her.

"This must be Ida," Garry whispered as a shiver wracked his spine at the name. A small worry spiked within him the longer he stared at the photo, nearly making him feel ill with omen.

"Yeah, you're probably right, but we can't do much right now," as Luno spoke these words the lights were turned off and the concert began.

*The first performance was a ballet that played out the story of what Ib felt to be searching, but only in the end did they find one another...though it was for but a short amount of time. The soft melody of the piano and then the soft longing in the last few minutes was what spoke out the most, wrapping up the performance as one dancer tragically died just as they were reunited. It was bittersweet and stained in chaste kisses of death, but there was a gorgeousness to it that she couldn't put her finger on.

The second and third performances were made up of singers and dancers, alternating between classical ballet or tap into modern hip hop or gymnastics that zoomed across the stage in myriads of neon painted body spray. Each performance was unique and something Ib knew that she would never see again. The amount of planning for these performances was excruciating and the attention to detail superb.

Without realizing it, the final act was upon them. Amelia squirmed in her seat as she waited for Lumi and her partner to appear for the final performance, and though Ib wanted to tell her to stop, she could not hinder her own curiosity at what was the big deal about this act. She had no doubt that Lumi was talented, but how much so? Luno had mentioned that when Lumi and this Neah boy had paired up for the last concert they obtained millions from sponsors, but would this year be the same?

The heavy drapes were finally pulled back, revealing a white piano a bit off to the audience's left. The backdrop was almost aquatic and shimmered like the ocean in the sun, but what was most eye catching was the strange chair like structure in the center of the stage. This chair was large and seemed to be hooked up with wires and things Ib could only classify as robot syfy. Seated in that white glistening chair was none other than Lumi herself, her head bowed, and hands on the arm rests.

Her dress was a lovely shade of opalescent white that fluctuated between powder blue, light lavender, and almost a faint pink. It was strapless, falling in ruffled layers to just past her knees with the train longer, and the back dipped low to allow what looked like two large mechanical attachments to attach to the valley between her shoulders, nearly looking wing like. Her shoes were simple open-toed heels with silvery and gold bangles. Her fair hair was messily unkempt, but somehow fit the scene.

Neah started to play and slowly Lumi raised her head bit to start singing:

*"All alone in this empty deserted place

Both your hands, I no longer feel

In the end my regret is to take the blame

Consequence of my fallen ideal

Synthesia; the colorful wind escapes me

Songs of green, I can no longer hear

Though you're watching over me so silently


Your voice whispers my name

My silent call, falls so faint

The glass muting the soundwaves

Your smile, I crave

Your direction 2 steps I take quietly,

You lay motionless; you were asleep

Paralyzed, realized, I'm so cowardly,

I despise myself for being so weak

Lights appear like the wind they've escaped my grasp,

Just illusion, or the real thing

Though this silence is impossible to surpass

My song for you, I'm singing

Your voice whispers my name

My silent call, falls so faint

The still past, it will not change

Time just won't slow down

Dispose of this encasing

Look into my eyes please

I only wish to sing

I beg, set me free

Your voice whispers my name

My silent call, falls so faint

The glass muting the sound waves

Your smile, I crave

Your smile, I crave…"

Ib hadn't noticed her own tears nor the others' as her vermilion eyes remained fixated on the performance, unable to do anything but listen and take it in. For some reason, the song struck a nerve within her very being and she felt as if she had once been the one to sing that song to someone. However, only the words felt if she had acted and felt that way before. Ib's gaze drifted over to Garry when the song ended.

Garry was already staring at her when she looked over at him and a silence passed over them, their gazes never waving even as the whole auditorium rose to their feet to applaud and cheer. Blue and red never left the other as they searched for the meaning as to why this all struck cords within them. For Ib it was loss and haunted fear yet understanding for Garry, but it was only a sickening twist of a big 'what if' that clung to them. Still, they could not shake the sudden need to be next to each other, almost as if they would disappear if their eyes glanced away from one another.

"Ready for the after party?" Amelia interjected, missing the sudden air between the two.

Luno, however, did not and glanced between the lavenderette and brunette with a hidden curiosity at the sudden change in their eyes. If he didn't know any better, he would have marked it as attraction, but this look was so much more. It was something that he couldn't begin to explain or understand.

"We should drop by to see Lumi before we depart; she usually is swamped with guests to entertain." Luno finally proposed, not missing a beat as he talked over the throng of people.

Garry and Ib finally came out of their trance and abashedly agreed, still looking at one another when they thought the other wasn't looking away. Luno would have raised a brow at the sudden scarlett of Garry's cheeks, but already knew that the lavenderette was coming around to realize him own feelings, if only a smidge.

They filed out of the theatre and followed the traffic down, only breaking off to enter the stage side doors. Performers, carts, brooms, and equipment were dodged as they skirted around to the backroom to find Luno's twin sister. However, the closer they grew to their destination the worse Ib was starting to feel. Her eyes shifted, trying to pinpoint the source of her sudden ailment, which came in the form of something she hadn't expected.

They entered the dressing room where Lumi and Amelia instantly started chattering away, dragging Luno into the conversation with some remark or another as the other two greeted Neah; he was no older than Garry, had messy dark hair, yellow eyes, and a playful but tactful way of speaking. He shook his gloved hands with theirs, speaking about the concert and other minor topics of conversation.

It wasn't hard to see that he had a thing for Lumi with the way his eyes would drift back to her form no matter where they were situated inside the room or the small smile that would play on his face when she spoke with him, and he effortlessly bantered back. Ib glanced over at Luno whose eye rolling and fake gagging made her almost laugh, only to notice something strange placed on the vanity beyond him.

The pit in her stomach widened, followed by aggravating dread as she slowly made her way over to the bouquet. The others continued on with conversation, but they had noticed her sudden solace. They did not bring attention to it as they kept Neah and Lumi distracted, trusting Ib to tell them what was up later.

Ib gingerly touched the plastic wrapping of the rose bouquet as every nerve and impulse screamed at her to get as far away as possible from it, burn it, and throw it out. The gentle petals were smooth black in texture, but the thorns were sharpened and the stems angrily charged with specks of once healthy green stems. The bouquet was white and tied with a dark bow, but it was a single rose that stood out among the many; it was dark, twisted, and the petals withering away as they shrunk up bitterly.

"Hey, what are you doing over there, Ib?" Lumi called out.

Ib placed the flowers in the trashcan before turning around to face them, "Nothing, sorry."

"That's alright, but I'm afraid we have to get going," Lumi gestured to Neah and herself, "Hafta go greet those sponsors and what-not, but maybe we'll catch you at the after party when we finally get there!"

"Okay, but let's get some pictures before we go," Amelia pleaded as she took out a camera from her small purse. She arranged everyone by the door where the lighting was best and pushed people together. Garry and Neah stood in the center back with Ib and Lumi slightly turned in towards them, while Luno stood in the front center next to his sister as he waited for Amelia to start the timer and hurry to get in the photo.

A series of photos were taken, the order jumbled as they attempted different expressions and scenes that mostly ended up with someone laughing or pulling a stunt, such as the one where Luno had 'accidentally' pushed Ib so that Garry caught her before she fell, which was retaliated by Luno being pushed into Amelia's arms. Lumi and Neah also had some of their own, and one even ended up with them doing improve poses.

Amelia did karate moves, Ib decided to blow a kiss at the camera with a wink (at Amelia and Lumi's suggestion, Luno's amusement, and Garry's blushing) while Lumi struck a sideways disco pose with a leg half in the air. The boys were inbetween with Garry biting his glove in an attempt to be sexy (put up to it) by Ib, Luno tipping his fedora and nearly falling into his sister's back, and Neah had opted to stick bunny ears on Amelia and Ib.

Looking through the photos, they laughed and made faces at certain ones. A good majority were just sudden improve and scrambling to pick a pose, while the minority were respectable and normal photos with them all. As they were browsing the photos, Ib spotted something off about one of them, but opted not to bring attention to it for now.

"Okay, seriously, we need to get out of here," Lumi laughed as she ushered them out.

The four departed and idly made their way out of the building, heading towards the large garden where the after party would be held. Ib noticed that the party did not extend far enough to reach the decrepit maze, instead it was covered up with a pavilion and a vibrant garden that kept most students from heading off into the old garden hidden further back among the tall hedges.

As they waited in line, chattering with various other acquaintances, Ib requested to view the photos again. Amelia handed over the camera before returning back to Liam and someone else she knew from one of her classes. Ib carefully examined each picture, Garry looking over her shoulder in curiosity at what Ib was looking for. He wished he hadn't. Ib had just reached the middle of the photos when they saw a figure outside the door, nearly covered up by their own bodies, but one detail was perfectly clear: Soaru.

The Japanese teen had been walking passed the room, holding some sort of prop from the show, but trailing behind him was a girl, which would have been normal or even plausible if it wasn't for one small detail: her body was faded and her feet mere mist.

Garry's sharp intake of air drew Amelia and Luno out of their conversation and they crowded around the camera, intent on seeing what was wrong. Luno's jaw set as he regarded the meaning behind the photo while Amelia was silent, emotions battling for dominance over her face. Ib understood their reactions, hers being nearly the same. Soaru had been their friend until he stuck to Dmitri, but now he could be in trouble because of them.

Ms. Creo had warned Ib that this Ida child could lash out at those close to them. Was this the case? Counting herself, there are eight other vessels and who's to say Soaru isn't one of them? Yet, the photo identifies that he didn't know he was being followed. This girl was even touching him, but his face remained neutral to the whole situation. Regardless, Soaru was in potential critical danger and it was up to them to help him, but how? Things were still sore between all of them and simply walking up to him and telling him that there's a painted spectator following him around could be dangerous and life threatening, and explaining that a parallel world known as The Gallery exists obviously isn't going to go over very well either.

"We'll observe the situation for now," Garry spoke up after a few tense moments of silence. "This may just be a coincidence for all we know."

Luno slowly nodded, "Garry's right, and even if this was the real deal we can't simply just jump into the situation. We have to think about this a little more and research; we have a picture of this painting-" He glanced at Amelia, "Could you work on enlarging this photo tomorrow so that we can see her clearly?"

She nodded, "No problem."

The air was now tense with suppressed emotions as the dinner line continued on and eventually ended. The four walked out into the garden, weaving through the makeshift dance floor and arriving at an empty table towards the end of the garden that was far enough away that the bass wasn't vibrating in their ears, but close enough to still mingle and appear social.

The tension lessened as they fell into the familiar rhythm of conversation that centered around the performances, attire, and then settled into something almost intimate as they discussed aspects of their home lives, censoring what they did not want known. They were saved by Ib's topic of horror, drama, and syfy movies that she often ended up watching, along with her mother's inability to cook eggs.

"I'm not a big fan of horror movies," Amelia sheepishly admitted. "I enjoy almost every other type though."

"Oh, why not? It's just about all fake," Luno pointed out, smirking as Amelia squirmed in her seat as she recounted the first horror movie she had ever seen that had scarred her.

Garry nervously fidgeted, also admitting that while he could tolerate horror movies, he hated jump scares. "No matter how many times I've seen the movie, the jump scares always get me."

"A man who admits it!" Amelia cried dramatically, and then the two submerged themselves in bonding over their distaste for jump scares.

Ib and Luno were left to bond over their inclination towards horror and syfy movies, even debating characters and the like.

It wasn't more than an hour later that they grew restless with remaining seated and decided to check out this strange ash tree. They excused themselves from other friends who had come over for light conversation before heading out to the old garden. Ib led them through, taking nearly two wrong turns in all before finding the center of the maze.

"Oh man, talking about horror movies and jump scares has made me paranoid. I'm just waiting for Sadako or Jason to suddenly appear," Amelia nervously twittered as she cast an apprehensive look around the perimeter. Luno chuckled at her admission, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, reassuring her that those two characters would probably be running from her rather than wanting to meet her. In retort, Amelia elbowed him before hurrying after Ib and Garry who were already in front of the tree.

In the starlit night, the ash tree looked nearly abysmal and further twisted than it had earlier. The bark appeared darker, and while bathed in moonlight it had an ethereal appeal to it that drew them in. As Ib and Ms. Creo had done earlier, the three touched the tree with their palms, taken aback with how they could feel its pulse.

"Wow, so this place really reflects the core?" Amelia asked aloud in awe, but then a frown etched itself onto her face, "But it's also dying, which is why we can probably feel its pulse, huh?"

"What?" Garry inquired.

"Well, Ms. Creo told Ib that the core is wilting, which is symbolized by this tree's gnarly appearance, right?"

"Yeah," Garry agreed slowly.

"But if it's wilting, then the pulse we feel should be faint. But it's not, so maybe this means that to conserve energy only the outside is rotting at this time." Amelia summarized, unsure of her own idea by the end.

"That's really perceptive, Amelia." Garry complimented, not noticing the blush on Amelia's face at being praised.

"So, now the question is what can we do?" Luno spoke up after a moment.

They gave pause, unsure.

"Let's keep investigating for now. I'll speak with Ms. Creo tomorrow about it," Ib replied.

The others agreed, agreeing to work on their own contributions, which included the girl in the picture, before heading back to the party to blend back in. For the rest of the night they rotated between groups, conversing with themselves, dancing, munching on food, and having a good time. Even Ib found herself having fun with mindless chatter, Amelia pushing her and Garry to dance, and (most surprisingly) being approached by classmates she hadn't known before. It was nerve wracking, yet exciting all at the same time.

Ib knew herself to be rather reserved with a bit of a sarcastic streak, but this whole meeting new people thing was part of the reason she had chosen to attend the academy. Still, she often found herself gravitating back towards Garry after a certain amount of time, just checking to make sure he was still there. He always returned her gazes, giving reassuring smiles if he didn't approach, also seeming to have the same need to check on her as she did him.

At the very end of the night, after walking back with everyone and settling into her bed, Ib had suddenly gotten the urge to sketch. Nearly two or three hours later she fell asleep, the pencil drawing displaying a young girl with one eye in the middle of her face, the title reading Cycloptic Smile.

AN: Another long chapter...which is a pain to edit with my laziness and school work. Whelp, decisions took me awhile for this chapter because I couldn't decide on what I wanted them to wear, but then I saw this picture of Garry...(Just go to Zerochan . net and search Ib and then tag alternative outfits and one of him in an outfit resembling the one in this chapter should appear.

Warning: My family has decided to attempt moving to an apartment by March 1st and a lot of other things are going on so the next update may not be for awhile (by this I mean either really soon or possibly later in March depending on how things work out).

*Inspired by, "I'll Find You"-Skyvoice (tribute to Chaoticmonki)

*Lumi's song is based off Miku-tan's cover of "Sleeping Beauty" only in piano version like Shiroko's Japanese dub. (Chosen mainly due to its relevance (double meaning!) and because Miku-tan's voice is amazing! I wish she would do a piano version...)

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